Monday, September 9, 2024 › | |
›9:00 (15min)
9:00 - 9:15 (15min)
Welcome and introduction
›9:15 (1h)
9:15 - 10:15 (1h)
Causal Mosaic: a philosophical theory and a transdisciplinary collaborative approach (Keynote 1)
Federica Russo
›10:15 (30min)
10:15 - 10:45 (30min)
Coffee Break
10:45 - 13:15 (2h30)
Philosophy of Formal Sciences, Philosophy of Mathematics, and Philosophy of AI
› Logic, reasoning and normativity – a bridge too far?
- Michal Hladky, Université de Genève = University of Geneva
10:45-11:15 (30min)
› Representational link uncertainty in deep neural network models
- Karaca Koray, University of Twente, Philosophy Department
11:15-11:45 (30min)
› The Root of Algocratic Illegitimacy
- Mikhail Volkov, MCMP, LMU Munich
11:45-12:15 (30min)
› Understanding the output of black box AI models: interpretable and explainable AI are not the only games in town
- Lilia Gurova, New Bulgarian University
12:15-12:45 (30min)
› Visual thinking and intuition in the construction of structures. The methodological perspectives in the mathematical practice of Cantor and Dedekind.
- Karolina Tytko, UPJPII in Kraków
12:45-13:15 (30min)
›10:45 (2h30)
10:45 - 13:15 (2h30)
Philosophy of Physical Sciences
› Is progress realism realist enough?
- Maria Panagiotatou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
10:45-11:15 (30min)
› Absolute time
- Jan Czerniawski, Jagiellonian University
11:15-11:45 (30min)
› The Hole Argument without the notion of isomorphism
- Joanna Luc, Jagiellonian University
12:15-12:45 (30min)
› Teleparallel underdetermination of gravity theories: is there a torsion/curvature-split?
- Ruward Mulder, University of Cambridge [UK]
12:45-13:15 (30min)
›10:45 (2h30)
10:45 - 13:15 (2h30)
General Philosophy of Science
› Mary Shepherd on the New Riddle of Induction
- Marius Backmann, University of Bayreuth
10:45-11:15 (30min)
› John Stuart Mill, scientific freedom, and vulnerable truths
- Maria Kronfeldner, Central European University (Vienna)
11:15-11:45 (30min)
› Diversity of opinion and consensus on truth
11:45-12:15 (30min)
› Diversity equals ability in binary decision problems
- Hein Duijf, Universiteit Utrecht / Utrecht University [Utrecht]
12:15-12:45 (30min)
› Kant´s Metachemistry
- Klaus Ruthenberg, Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts
12:45-13:15 (30min)
›10:45 (2h30)
10:45 - 13:15 (2h30)
Philosophy of Social Sciences and Cognitive Sciences
› Back by popular demand, ontology. Productive tensions between anthropological and philosophical approaches to ontology
- Julia Turska, Wageningen University and Research, Knowledge, Technology and Innovation Chair Group
10:45-11:15 (30min)
› Causality, potential outcomes, and the policy process
- Luis Mireles-Flores, University of Helsinki (TINT)
11:15-11:45 (30min)
› What are causal relations in the economy? A defense of evidential pluralism
- Mariusz Maziarz, Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University [Krakow]
11:45-12:15 (30min)
› Complexities of economic expertise
- Teemu Lari, University of Helsinki
12:15-12:45 (30min)
›13:15 (1h45)
13:15 - 15:00 (1h45)
›15:00 (1h30)
15:00 - 16:30 (1h30)
Philosophy of Social Sciences and Cognitive Sciences
› On the Non-neutrality of Philosophy of Economics for both Philosophy and Economics (Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Polish Philosophy of Economics Network)
- Aleksander Ostapiuk, Aleksander Ostapiuk, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
15:00-16:30 (1h30)
›15:00 (1h30)
15:00 - 16:30 (1h30)
General Philosophy of Science
› Social Epistemologies of Science
- Matteo De Benedetto, Ruhr University Bochum = Ruhr-Universität Bochum - Inkeri Koskinen, Helsingin yliopisto = Helsingfors universitet = University of Helsinki - Vincenzo Politi, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Borut Trpin, Ludwig Maximilian University [Munich] = Ludwig Maximilians Universität München - Martin Justin, University of Ljubljana - Sophie Veigl, University of Vienna [Vienna]
15:00-16:30 (1h30)
›15:00 (1h30)
15:00 - 16:30 (1h30)
General Philosophy of Science
› Philosophy of the Historical Sciences
- Aviezer Tucker, Ostravská univerzita / University of Ostrava
15:00-16:30 (1h30)
›16:30 (30min)
16:30 - 17:00 (30min)
Coffee break
›17:00 (2h)
17:00 - 19:00 (2h)
Philosophy of Biological and Medical Sciences
› Three ways of understanding Homeostatic Property Clusters in the philosophy of psychiatry
- Ewa Grzeszczak, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie = Jagiellonian University
17:00-17:30 (30min)
› Objectivity and Variety in the Definition of Mental Disorder
- Laura Delgado-Verges, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia - María Jiménez-Buedo, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
17:30-18:00 (30min)
› Theory avoidance, Goodhart's law, and the biomedical model of mental disorder
- Adam Linson, Open University
18:00-18:30 (30min)
17:00 - 19:00 (2h)
Philosophy of Social Sciences and Cognitive Sciences
› A framework for the feminist anthropology of science
- Aleksandra Knežević, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade [Belgrade]
17:00-17:30 (30min)
› Defining computational mechanistic explanations (in cognitive neuroscience)
- Matej Kohar, Technical University of Berlin / Technische Universität Berlin
17:30-18:00 (30min)
› On Constitutive Explanation in the Social Sciences
- Joonatan Nõgisto, Tallinn University School of Governance, Law and Society
18:00-18:30 (30min)
› A Defence of Peer Review
- Kenneth Bradley Wray, Aarhus University [Aarhus]
18:30-19:00 (30min)
›17:00 (2h)
17:00 - 19:00 (2h)
General Philosophy of Science
› Formalising extrapolation
- Alexander Gebharter, Marche Polytechnic University
17:00-17:30 (30min)
› Scientific understanding and thought collectives
- Marek Pokropski, University of Warsaw
17:30-18:00 (30min)
› Understanding as Perspective Taking in the Context of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Richard David-Rus, Richard David-Rus, Institute of Anthropology Francisc I Rainer, Romanian Academy
18:00-18:30 (30min)
› Hermeneutical gaps in the scientific society
- Christoph Merdes, Jagiellonian University
18:30-19:00 (30min)
›17:00 (2h)
17:00 - 19:00 (2h)
General Philosophy of Science
› Probability and inference in Fritz London's phenomenological approach to philosophy of science
- Dawid Kasprowicz, RWTH Aachen University
17:00-17:30 (30min)
› Variability of the category academic discipline
- Monika Walczak, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
17:30-18:00 (30min)
› Reasoning on an Inconsistent basis: The Case of Scientific Theories
- Michalis Christou, University of Linz - Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
18:00-18:30 (30min)
› Truth and its Approximations: A Dynamic Relationship
- Costanza Coloni, University of Cambridge [UK]
18:30-19:00 (30min)
Session | Speech | Logistics | Break | Tour |