
Young Scholars Initiative of the Institute for New Economic Thinking,

Interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics at Jagiellonian University &

East European Network for Philosophy of Science


Invite to the workshop 

Socially engaged science.

Perspectives from political economy, philosophy and history of science &

science and technology studies

 The workshop will follow the 5th EENPS Conference


Time and location: September, 11th, 2024, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, Grodzka 52, Room 13

Keynote speakers: Aleksandra Derra (Nicolaus Copernicus University, PL) with the talk Another Science is Possible. Scientific Research after (not only) Feminist Intervention &

Edward Nik-Khah (Roanoke College, USA) with the talk California Dreamin’: Economists Become Expert Epistemologists for Platform Capitalism

Invited speakers: Poonam Pandey (University of Vigo, ES) with the talk Demarcating Risks: Boundary-work for Innovation and Governance of Science and Technology &

Marcin Zaród (SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, PL) with the talk Critical STS of Citizen Science

Organizers: Magdalena Małecka (Aarhus University), Elena Popa (Jagiellonian University), Joanna K. Malinowska (Adam Mickiewicz University)

The theme: Scientific research and innovation are at the center of contemporary discussions about how to tackle global challenges, such as climate change, pandemics, unstainable development, rising inequality and poverty. The hope is that solutions to these challenges can be informed by scientific findings. At the same time, science is seen as a source of value and wealth in capitalist societies. Furthermore, science’s direction and practice has long been shaped by agendas that go beyond the disinterested pursuit of research. Transformations in the political economy such as the building up of state bureaucracies and the expansion of financial markets have transformed how science is administered and commodified.

During the workshop we would like to discuss multiple tensions and dilemmas that these transformations in the political economy of science give rise to. In particular, we will analyze what they mean for the possibility of developing socially engaged research within the landscape of contemporary universities and research institutions. We are also interested in initiating discussion on these topics by focusing on the context of politics, political economy, and research agendas advanced in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. The workshop is interdisciplinary and intends to put into a dialogue the perspectives from political economy, philosophy of science, history of science, as well as science and technology studies.

We received submissions from early-career scholars on the following topics:

-          Science and capitalism,

-          Political economy of science,

-          Feminist approaches to philosophy of science and STS,

-          Science and social activism,

-          Science and economic, social, or political values,

-          Marketization and commodification of science,

-          Democratization of science,

-          Science and public involvement,

-          Science and global justice,

-          Participation and citizen science. 


Format of the workshop: The event will consist of two parts. Part I: talks given by keynote and invited speakers (open to the public and workshop’s participants). Part II: work-in-progress part for workshop’s participants based on the topics and themes mentioned in submissions. 

Schedule and program: Academic part starts at 9 am and ends at 6.30 pm CET and social dinner starts at 7 pm CET. 

Part I Keynotes and invited talks (9:00 am to 1:00 pm)

Keynote 1 Aleksandra Derra (Nicolaus Copernicus University, PL), Another Science is Possible. Scientific Research after (not only) Feminist Intervention (9 am to 10 am)

10 min break

Keynote 2 Edward Nik-Khah (Roanoke College, USA), California Dreamin’: Economists Become Expert Epistemologists for Platform Capitalism (10.10 am to 11.10 am)

10 min break

Invited talk 1 Poonam Pandey (University of Vigo, ES), Demarcating Risks: Boundary-work for Innovation and Governance of Science and Technology (11.20 am to 12.05 pm)

10 min break

Invited talk Marcin Zaród (SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, PL), Critical STS of Citizen Science (12.15 pm to 1 pm)


Lunch break (1:00 pm to 2:00 pm)


Part II Workshop (2:00 pm to 6:00 pm)

Lightning talks by participants (early-career scholars) (2 pm to 4 pm) - each participant gives a 5-minute presentation of their project mentioned in the submission to the workshop

15 min break

Group work (4 pm to 6 pm)

5 min break

Summary of the workshop and general discussion (6.05 pm to 6.30 pm)


Social dinner (7:00 pm – 10 pm)



This event is funded through the Young Scholars Initiative of the Institute for New Economic Thinking and the project “Values, Trust, and Decision Making in Public Health” co-funded by the European Commission and the Polish National Science Centre.

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